
Completing a work and development program (WDP)

1. Call the RTA’s Infringement Plan Office on (02) 6207 6000.
2. Complete the ‘Client Application for a Work or Development Program’ form.
3. Attach any supporting documents.
4. Submit the form by post, email, or in person.
5. If you are conditionally approved, approach a WDP provider. If they agree to have you join their program, they will complete an application form.
6. If your application is rejected, you can appeal that decision, or look at other options for dealing with the fine.

It is now possible to pay off your traffic, parking and traffic camera fine(s) by completing approved volunteer work, a course, mentoring or counselling/ medical treatment. Each hour that you attend works off part of the fine. If your licence has been suspended for not paying the fine(s), that suspension will be lifted once you are approved to complete a WDP.

This option for dealing with a fine is not available to everyone. You must show:

  • current or ongoing serious financial hardship;
  • mental or intellectual disability or mental disorder;
  • physical disability or disease or illness;
  • addiction to alcohol or other drugs;
  • family violence; or
  • homelessness, living in crisis, transitional or supported accommodation.

1. The rates at which fines will be reduced

Activity Cut out rate
Volunteer work $37.50 per hour worked
Educational, vocational or life skills course $50 per hour or $350 per full day, up to a maximum of $1,000 per month
Financial and other counselling
Participation (as a mentee) in a mentoring program $1,000 per month for full compliance (or a proportion for partial compliance)
Medical or mental health treatment in accordance with a doctor’s treatment plan
Alcohol or other drug treatment


2. Submitting your form

Fill out the “Client Applicant for a Work or Development Program” form which can be found here: fattach/get/345102/1569204062/redirect/1/filename/ Client+application+for+a+work+or+development+ program+%28WDP%29.pdf.

Lodge your form by:

In person Any Canberra Connect shop front
Post Infringement Plan Office,
PO Box 582

Once you have been approved by the Infringement Plan Office you can then approach the organisation that you would like to complete your WDP with. A list of providers is on the Access Canberra website here: traffic-and-parking-infringements-tab-work-and- development-programs

If your application is not approved you can seek internal review by sending a written request to:

The Manager
Road User Services
PO Box 582


The material in this fact sheet is intended as a general guide only. Readers should not act on the basis of any material in this publication without first getting legal advice about their particular situations.
If you would like more information, please contact Street Law on (02) 6218 7900 or Street Law is a program of Canberra Community Law Ltd.
© Canberra Community Law Ltd. Not to be reproduced without permission or acknowledgement.
Last updated: 14 May 2021

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