
Our Vision, Mission and Values

First Nations

We value and respect the unique role that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People have as traditional owners of the lands we live and work. We are committed to the promotion and participation of an environment that empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People to lead and share in decisions affecting them and their community.

Our Vision

A just and empowered community.

Our Mission

To lead change towards a just and empowered community through legal services, education, and law reform activities.

Our Values

  • Flexible, client-focused services.
  • High-quality, professional, ethical practice.
  • Social justice and human rights.
  • Innovation and creativity.
  • Solutions-focus.
  • Robust, evidence-based advocacy.
  • Inclusivity and equality.
  • Empowerment and Self-Determination.
  • Collaboration and Engagement.
  • Sustainability.
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