
Street Law

Who are we?

Street Law is a free and confidential outreach legal service for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.  Street Law provides legal advice and casework assistance and connects clients with other services.

Who can we assist?

Street Law helps people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. A person is experiencing homelessness or is at risk of homelessness if they do not have adequate access to safe and secure housing.  This includes situations where the person’s housing:

  • damages, or is likely to damage their health;
  • is unsafe;
  • fails to provide adequate amenities;
  • fails to provide the supports that a home normally affords; or
  • is not affordable.

For example, Street Law works with people who are:

  • Sleeping rough
  • Living in their car
  • Couch surfing
  • Living in a refuge or other transitional accommodation
  • Living in accommodation without legal rights
  • Experiencing domestic violence or other threats of violence at their current accommodation
  • At risk of losing their current accommodation

How can we help you?

Street Law knows how one problem can lead to another and that early action is important. So our lawyers can:

  • Explain the law to you and give you advice about your options
  • Help you negotiate with the other side in your legal matter
  • Help request copies of your documents
  • Help prepare for reviews, tribunals or court hearings
  • Support you to access other legal services
  • Put you in touch with other organisations who can help you.

Would you like to contact Street Law?

There are various ways you can get in touch to get help from Street Law, including:

  1. Call Street Law for phone advice or to make an appointment to see us in person on 1800 STR LAW (1800 787 529) or (02) 6218 7900
  2. Drop in to our office at Level 1, 21 Barry Drive Turner to make an appointment
  3. Attend an advice clinic at one of our outreach locations.

Street Law has a Legal Health Check to help identify legal issues that our lawyers may be able to help with. You are welcome to email us a completed Legal Health Check, or we can complete the Legal Health Check with you.

Download the Legal Health Check (PDF)

Download the Legal Health Check (Word)

Helpful links

Download the Street Law Brochure (PDF)

Download the Street Law Brochure in Easy English (PDF)

Visit our Street Law Resources for further information about common issues that impact on people experiencing or at risk of homelessness

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