
Disability Action and Inclusion Plan

The fourth Canberra Community Law (CCL) Disability Action and Inclusion Plan (the Plan) outlines our commitment to improving access and participation for people with disability over the next over the next three years. The Plan is intended to help CCL improve access to justice for people with disability, people with lived experience of mental ill-health, and people who might not disclose a disability but have accessibility needs. 

Our vision for disability justice 

As part of CCL’s vision for a just and empowered community, we are committed to ensuring that: 

  • The rights of people with disability are respected. These include the right to: 
  • equality and non-discrimination 
  • live independently and participate fully in all aspects of life 
  • equal recognition before the law 
  • access justice 
  • work 
  • an adequate standard of living and social protection 
  • People with disability are aware of their rights 
  • People with disability are supported to access justice and navigate the legal system

CCL is inclusive for all people with disability who may engage with our service, including clients, staff, and the broader community. 

This is CCL’s fourth Disability Action and Inclusion Plan. 

Download the current Disability Action and Inclusion Plan

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Download the Easy English version (PDF)

Previous Versions

2019 – 2022 Canberra Community Law (CCL) Disability Action Plan (PDF)
2016 – 2019 Canberra Community Law (CCL) Disability Action Plan (PDF)
2015 Canberra Community Law (CCL) Disability Action Plan (PDF)

FOCUS AREA 1: Information and communication
Our vision: People with disability know their rights and can participate effectively in the justice system, and Canberra Community Law (CCL) shares accessible information
Action Commitment
1.1 To ensure that CCL published materials for clients are accessible CCL will complete an annual audit of all service brochures, fact sheets and website information in line with the appropriate guidelines, such as web content or print accessibility.

Responsibility: Disability Justice Liaison Officer

1.2 To ensure that CCL staff have access to resources to assist clients with disability
  • CCL will develop resources and source appropriate training to build staff capacity to support clients with disability and reasonable adjustment needs
  • CCL will annually review and update its internal staff resources relating to support for clients with disability

Responsibility: Disability Justice Liaison Officer

1.3 To ensure CCL social media content is accessible
  • CCL will ensure that images and videos posted include alt text, image descriptions and captions as appropriate
  • All CCL social media posts will comply with CCL’s internal Accessible Media Guide
  • CCL to review its internal Social Media Accessibility Guide annually to ensure it reflects best practice annually

Responsibility: Social Media Manager

1.4 To provide information to priority groups about CCL services for people with disability and their parents/guardians and carers Canberra community law will update all stakeholders when needed (minimum annually) on all the current support and most recent assistance available.

Responsibility: Disability Justice Liaison Officer

FOCUS AREA 2: Education and guidance
Our vision: CCL staff are disability-confident and equipped to support and communicate with people with disability effectively
Action Commitment
2.1 To ensure that CCL staff have access to appropriate training to assist clients and staff with disability CCL will develop an annual staff training program which includes at least two disability focused topics. This may include:

  • Communication
  • Trauma-informed practice
  • Adjustments to accommodate disability and inclusive practice
  • Types of disability
  • Additional support services
  • Mental health
  • How we can support people who may have intersecting social identities which may create specific barriers to legal support. For example, women and
    girls with disability who may experience violence, people with disability experiencing homelessness, and people experiencing dual disability.

CCL will promote at least two external training opportunities to staff annually

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor

2.2 To ensure that CCL staff can access training and resources developed as part of the ACT Disability Justice Strategy CCL will:

  • Identify and share relevant training and resources developed as part of the ACT Disability Justice Strategy
  • Update internal staff disability training resources (minimum annually)

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor, Librarian and Disability Justice Liaison Officer

FOCUS AREA 3: Identification, screening and assessment
Our vision: So that clients with a disability are identified and supported appropriately at key points in their interaction with the justice system
Action Commitment
3.1 To identify ways that clients with disability come into contact with CCL and ensure that support needs are identified CCL will identify the following by September 2022:

  • Client contact points with CCL
  • How disability needs are identified and met at those contact points
  • Options for improving processes used for staff to identify clients’ disabilities and related support needs

Responsibility: Disability Justice Liaison Officer

3.2 To identify and make appropriate referrals for clients with support needs CCL will refer clients with support needs to appropriate services as needed. This may include:

  • Advocacy services
  • Disability Justice Liaison Officers in other services
  • Disability and carer support services

Responsibility: All staff

3.3 To ensure that staff are equipped to effectively identify people with disability and ensure that they are supported appropriately CCL will develop an internal access and inclusion policy by March 2023 which provides guidance to staff on:

  • Meaning of reasonable adjustments and related legal obligations
  • Ways to identify if a client may have accessibility needs
  • Processes for organising adjustments to accommodate disability
  • Internal and external disability support referral options
  • Where to access further information to assist staff to support clients with disability

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor, Disability Justice Liaison Officer, Disability Law Supervising Solicitor

FOCUS AREA 4: Better service delivery
Our vision: So that people with disability can access CCL’s services, and to increase participation opportunities for people with disability
Action Commitment
4.1 To ensure that CCL uses effective processes for obtaining feedback on service accessibility CCL will:

  • Review processes for obtaining feedback on the accessibility of our services from clients, community legal education attendees and other stakeholders.
  • Seek feedback on our service delivery and strategic direction from an accessibility perspective, including through
  • our annual disability consultation forum
  • Meetings with organisations that support people with disability
  • Client surveys

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor, Disability Justice Liaison Officer, Disability Law Supervising Solicitor

4.2 To identify and implement a range of disability inclusion initiatives Each CCL Program and the CCL Board will identify and implement at least one disability inclusion activity annually, with support from the Disability Justice Liaison Officer as required. This may include:

  • Developing and/or delivering related community legal education presentation or resource to help people with disability access information about their rights
  • Organising or supporting an event which promotes the rights of people with disability
  • Contributing to a disability rights law or policy reform campaign
  • Translating Program specific resources to accessible formats

Responsibility: Program Managers/Supervising Solicitors, CCL Board

4.3 To promote supportive and inclusive work practices for CCL staff with disability CCL will:

  • Promote recruitment of people with disability to staff and Board positions
  • Seek feedback from staff (minimum annually) on inclusive work practices for CCL staff with disability
  • Review its induction policies annually to ensure they respond to the workplace needs of staff who are people with disability, parents/guardians of people with disability and carers
  • Work with any staff member who discloses disability to ensure that reasonable adjustments can be implemented to support them in their roles

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor, CCL Board

4.4 To continue CCL’s role as a key contributor to positive, systemic change for people with disability in the ACT CCL will provide input to disability related campaigns and advocacy for improved service delivery

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor, Disability Justice Liaison Officer, Disability Law Supervising Solicitor

4.5 To maintain a list of suppliers that support people with disability and use those suppliers where possible CCL will:

  • Review its list of preferred suppliers that support people with disability annually
  • Engage suppliers from the list where possible

Responsibility: Disability Justice Liaison Officer, Office Manager

FOCUS AREA 5: Data, research, and review
Our vision: So that CCL can contribute to positive, systemic change for people with disability in the justice system, and to ensure CCL’s services are evidence-based
Action Commitment
5.1 To contribute to legal and policy reform to improve disability access and inclusion CCL will contribute to policy and legislative reviews within our areas of expertise that impact on people with disability as they arise

Responsibility: Disability Law Supervising Solicitor

5.2 To review CCL’s data collection processes to ensure that we are appropriately identifying disability support needs CCL will:

  • Review its data collection processes recording information about clients’ disability support needs by August 2023
  • Implement changes to data collection processes as appropriate by August 2023

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor, Disability Justice Liaison Officer, Office Manager

5.3 To ensure that people with disability are included in the development of CCL’s disability related strategic processes and initiatives CCL will do the following by August 2023:

  • Investigate the viability of establishing a Disability Advisory Group made up of people with disability who can provide strategic advice and review resources for accessibility
  • If funding permits, establish the Disability Advisory Group

Responsibility: Executive Director/Principal Solicitor, Disability Justice Liaison Officer

5.4 To promote and evaluate CCL’s progress under the Plan CCL will:

  • Lodge the Plan with the Australian Human Rights Commission and publish it on the CCL website by August 2022
  • Consider discussing the Plan in CCL Planning Day agendas annually
  • Provide a quarterly update on the Disability Action and Inclusion Plan at CCL’s Centre meetings and Board meetings
  • Include a Disability Action and Inclusion Plan Report in the CCL Annual Report

Responsibility: Disability Justice Liaison Officer, Disability Law Supervising Solicitor

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